Wednesday, July 20, 2011

# 30 SAS Saffron


While I am here vacation in the Caribbean I decided to stop by horse riding with this wonderfull outfit: SAS Saffron in Charcoal. It made me feel so elegant and sexy! When I was standing at the top of the hill I felt like I could take over the world. We run the world girls ;)

Hair: Vanity Hair Cameron in soil
Earrings and necklace: Finesmith hunt item 5
Boots: Bax prestige boots black leather
Nails: Je suis naive nails no 001 reds
Make up: Glamorize 

❤ SueGeeli DeCuir ❤

Monday, July 18, 2011

# 29 SAS Valerie teal


Today I present you a beautifull gown. valerie teal. It comes with the cocktail skirt, swooshy skirt and battleship skirt option. You also have the option to wear it in the colors teal or black. Same counts for the shirt. So this outfit is an easy color mix!

Gown: SAS valerie teal
Bracelets: Rozoregalia mizuho 
Make up: Baiastice eco eyeliner, Glamorize wild & wicked lips - black pearl
Hair: LoQ hairs tiramisu  black
Necklace and earrings: Virtual Impressions darcy butterfly gem set aqua/lilac abalone

Hope you are all enjoying the summer :)

Don't forget to hop in the limo to Sascha's designs store

❤ SueGeeli DeCuir ❤

Sunday, July 10, 2011

# 28 Vicky in 3 colors


Today I present you the Vikcy outfit who comes in 3 beautifull colors, shirts, jackets and pants. This is a lovely and sexy outfit that will give you a summer vibe. I love it!

Vicky in Aqua

Vicky in Sky

Vicky in green

Here is your limo to Sascha's designs store

Have a great week everyone!

❤ SueGeeli DeCuir ❤

Monday, July 4, 2011

27# Babooshka Purple

This is one of the new outfist, and its perfect for this summer. It has a mix off bright colors and again you can wear it in different styles. I love the contrast of blue and pink. It is a very lively dress, an eye catcher for sure.


Here is your limo to Sascha's Designs ▶ ▷ Hop in the Limo :)

Hope you all have a great week!

❤ SueGeeli DeCuir ❤

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

26# Sascha's June blog Winner!!

Hi :))

So today the blog contest winner for June was anounced and guess is ME. I am so happy, greatefull and proud. It is a honor to be able to show off Sascha's wonderfull fwork and I thank her for choosing me and for being so generous.

Thank you Sascha! I'll keep on blogging about your beautifull outfits for sure.

To celebrate it I went out with this glamorous dress:

Dress : Sas Envy Plum
Jewelry: Chop Zuey
Hair: Tuty's & mRsigmund creations
Nails: Je suis
Shoes: Aleida
Make up: Glamorize
Eyelashes: Redgrave

❤ SueGeeli DeCuir ❤

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Hello girls!

Yesterday I was sad because I couldn't get in the sim for Sascha's fashion show. So I went to the studio to take a picture of my outfit I was planning to wear for the fashion show instead. 

For now I will show you another awesome blue outfit of Sascha's. Sushi turguoise :)

                                          Surl to Sascha's store

Sunday, June 5, 2011

22# Splash!

Here's the new release of Sascha's Designs in blue. 

Limo to Sascha's Designs

♡ SueGeeli DeCuir 

Saturday, June 4, 2011

#21 60L weekend

For the 60L weekend there is this sexy outfit. The regret aqua, tough and sexy outfit that will sure make some head turn :P

Another sexy  item that is set on 60L are the serra lace tops in black and white. I combined the serra lace in black with Jip choco pants. When you buy this pants you also get 3 other colors! So you can mixed them with the serra lace in white too.

Hop on to go buy the  the 60L outfits.

♡ SueGeeli DeCuir ♡

20# Elena White

Are you looking for that simple but sophisticated white dress for the weekend?Well then here is the perfect dress for it. Elena. A white dress with little black spots on it,  it even comes with a nice hat and bolero, different styles to wear the skirts and a belt.

You can wear it to go to a wedding or perhaps a reception.

Or just to a coctail party near the beach.

Tp to Sascha's store here

Friday, June 3, 2011

19# Always Fab with SAS Romana


Yet another way to wear this outfit, Sascha always makes such great outfits. I know I showed some of  SAS Romana before in different styles but I had to share another way you can wear it. I took these snapshots wearing it for a model search work and I end up loving it so much I am posting it here :). Stay tuned for more of Sascha's, there is a new item out and of course the 60 L weekend items..yay.

❤ SueGeeli DeCuir ❤

Thursday, June 2, 2011

18# Sascha's Designs June Free gown

                                                   Sascha's design store

                                                   ♡ SueGeeli DeCuir ♡

Monday, May 30, 2011

17# Monday look

Hello Ladies and Gents!

Hope you all have a great week. For the start of this week I decided to make it a relaxing outgoing look with the wonderfull Yalene top.

Shoes:  Kookie Athena
Nails:Je Suis Naïve Nails 001
Shirt: SAS Yalene Lavendel (included in tops 3 )
Pants: The sea hole Dita Flared jeans
Hair: Vanity Hair Alice-umber

♡ SueGeeli DeCuir ♡

Sunday, May 29, 2011

16 # It's on sale SAS LoLa

Hello again!
To end the weekend a very spanish outfit, like the name..Lola ;)

Dress : SAS Lola
Hair: Vanity Hair Bubbles
Jewelry: Chop Zuey Couture Jewelry
Nails: Je Suis

Below the tp to SAS Lola its on sale at a wonderfull price!


Hallo :)

Happy weekend to all! Today I am going to present you another amazing outfit from Sascha's designs as always. The SAS Chelsea in purple. As the name says, it is a purple outfit and the pants has an amazing light yellow/orange prints on it which  reallly gives it an interesting look. To match the outfit I choose accesories from Chop Zuey jewelry, hair from the Plume, nails from Je suis and the black boots are from Bax Coen.

Besides that I was looking for another shirt with a different color to mix with the pants. Then I bumped into this cool shirt part of another Sascha's designs outfit. The champagne shirt is from the beautifull dress Champagne merel.

♡ SueGeeli DeCuir ♡

Saturday, May 21, 2011

13# 60 L weekend with alot of options

Hello again :)

The four 60L outfits for this weekend are awesome! They come with alot of options and you can even mix them together because it all matches in a certain way.

The first one I am going to show you is the Kaleidoscope Cocktail dress

The second item is the Laara tops, they are easy to mix with the Kaleidoscope cocktail dress. Laara tops comes in three colors, pink, creme and gold. See for yourself below:

Third outfit is the Simsalabim Yellow dress. Another cute coctail dress with alot of options:


Besides that,  you can also mix it with the previous outfit Kaleidoscope cocktail dress. Below the mixes you can do.
First one you can see is the yellow top of the Simsalabim Yellow dress mixed with the flexy skirt of the Kaleidoscope cocktail dress. Second one is the Simsalabim Yellow dress with the jacket layer that makes it looks like black belt :

The fourth item is actually 2 items. The Candice pants, black or grey option. These pants you can mix with all of the three Laara tops!

                                    Tops with the black pants:

                                      Tops with the grey pants:


Or perhaps jsut mix a pant with the Kaleidoscope cocktail dress top ?


So as you can see you have alot of options with the 60L outfits, all great to wear for this weekend. Pretty cheap for all the looks you can make with them. Here's your limo to the 60L outfits.

Thanks for stopping by!

♡ SueGeeli DeCuir ♡

12 # Mercato Mauve

Happy saturday everyone!

A purple shade formal dress you could wear this weekend to go ballroomdancing.Oh la la

Mercato Mauve Limo

Friday, May 20, 2011

11# Friday mix

Hello! I'm so glad it's the weekend. I've been experimenting with this chrome skin I just got and then I got inspired again with some dresses of Sascha's designs. Below the results, styling and limo to Sascha's designs:


 Shirt: Sascha's designs - Antartica Black Bodice + Gloves
 Hair: Bliss Hair - Abigail Hair
 Glases: Diram - Diram Paige glasses
 Skirt: Sascha's designs - Viva la vida battelship skirt
 Pant: Sascha's Designs - Romana Silver black pant
 Necklace: Alienbear's designs - Mimmi Necklace Ali

 Happy weekend !

 ♡ SueGeeli DeCuir ♡

Thursday, May 19, 2011

10# SAS Romana Silver

Romana Silver outfit. A casual chic look you can wear with a coat, 3 different tops and also 2 pants options; black or white. Variety and quality!

With this outfit I decided to wear one of my favorites bax boots and the jewelry I am wearing is from finesmith designs. I was going for a casual look that isn't too extreme but that carries some elegance. I think the coat really serve that idea right, simply fabulous.

Here is your limo to buy this outfit :  Sascha's design Romana Outfit

My 10th post onhere..woohoo

♡ SueGeeli DeCuir ♡