Monday, May 30, 2011

17# Monday look

Hello Ladies and Gents!

Hope you all have a great week. For the start of this week I decided to make it a relaxing outgoing look with the wonderfull Yalene top.

Shoes:  Kookie Athena
Nails:Je Suis Naïve Nails 001
Shirt: SAS Yalene Lavendel (included in tops 3 )
Pants: The sea hole Dita Flared jeans
Hair: Vanity Hair Alice-umber

♡ SueGeeli DeCuir ♡

Sunday, May 29, 2011

16 # It's on sale SAS LoLa

Hello again!
To end the weekend a very spanish outfit, like the name..Lola ;)

Dress : SAS Lola
Hair: Vanity Hair Bubbles
Jewelry: Chop Zuey Couture Jewelry
Nails: Je Suis

Below the tp to SAS Lola its on sale at a wonderfull price!


Hallo :)

Happy weekend to all! Today I am going to present you another amazing outfit from Sascha's designs as always. The SAS Chelsea in purple. As the name says, it is a purple outfit and the pants has an amazing light yellow/orange prints on it which  reallly gives it an interesting look. To match the outfit I choose accesories from Chop Zuey jewelry, hair from the Plume, nails from Je suis and the black boots are from Bax Coen.

Besides that I was looking for another shirt with a different color to mix with the pants. Then I bumped into this cool shirt part of another Sascha's designs outfit. The champagne shirt is from the beautifull dress Champagne merel.

♡ SueGeeli DeCuir ♡

Saturday, May 21, 2011

13# 60 L weekend with alot of options

Hello again :)

The four 60L outfits for this weekend are awesome! They come with alot of options and you can even mix them together because it all matches in a certain way.

The first one I am going to show you is the Kaleidoscope Cocktail dress

The second item is the Laara tops, they are easy to mix with the Kaleidoscope cocktail dress. Laara tops comes in three colors, pink, creme and gold. See for yourself below:

Third outfit is the Simsalabim Yellow dress. Another cute coctail dress with alot of options:


Besides that,  you can also mix it with the previous outfit Kaleidoscope cocktail dress. Below the mixes you can do.
First one you can see is the yellow top of the Simsalabim Yellow dress mixed with the flexy skirt of the Kaleidoscope cocktail dress. Second one is the Simsalabim Yellow dress with the jacket layer that makes it looks like black belt :

The fourth item is actually 2 items. The Candice pants, black or grey option. These pants you can mix with all of the three Laara tops!

                                    Tops with the black pants:

                                      Tops with the grey pants:


Or perhaps jsut mix a pant with the Kaleidoscope cocktail dress top ?


So as you can see you have alot of options with the 60L outfits, all great to wear for this weekend. Pretty cheap for all the looks you can make with them. Here's your limo to the 60L outfits.

Thanks for stopping by!

♡ SueGeeli DeCuir ♡

12 # Mercato Mauve

Happy saturday everyone!

A purple shade formal dress you could wear this weekend to go ballroomdancing.Oh la la

Mercato Mauve Limo

Friday, May 20, 2011

11# Friday mix

Hello! I'm so glad it's the weekend. I've been experimenting with this chrome skin I just got and then I got inspired again with some dresses of Sascha's designs. Below the results, styling and limo to Sascha's designs:


 Shirt: Sascha's designs - Antartica Black Bodice + Gloves
 Hair: Bliss Hair - Abigail Hair
 Glases: Diram - Diram Paige glasses
 Skirt: Sascha's designs - Viva la vida battelship skirt
 Pant: Sascha's Designs - Romana Silver black pant
 Necklace: Alienbear's designs - Mimmi Necklace Ali

 Happy weekend !

 ♡ SueGeeli DeCuir ♡

Thursday, May 19, 2011

10# SAS Romana Silver

Romana Silver outfit. A casual chic look you can wear with a coat, 3 different tops and also 2 pants options; black or white. Variety and quality!

With this outfit I decided to wear one of my favorites bax boots and the jewelry I am wearing is from finesmith designs. I was going for a casual look that isn't too extreme but that carries some elegance. I think the coat really serve that idea right, simply fabulous.

Here is your limo to buy this outfit :  Sascha's design Romana Outfit

My 10th post onhere..woohoo

♡ SueGeeli DeCuir ♡

9# Free with Malicious

Feeling free and beautifull with this wonderfull purple dress called Malicious. elegant, with an eye catching color. That is why I choose to take pictures in this dress surrounded by grass while the sun is rissing, maybe not your usual place to go with a gown. But with this beautifull sight, it can make you feel renewed and free.
With this dress you can manage to radiate elegance even in the most simple places.

Go get it at Sascha's store

♡ SueGeeli DeCuir ♡

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

8# SAS - Lumiere Blanche

Today I am showing SAS Lumiere Blanche. I was looking in my inventory for something to wear and find this simple white dress, easy to style with alot of things. Simple can be beautifull too.

I wanted to go away from the busy city, so I left it behind me to spend some quiet time with nature :)

                                              ♡ SueGeeli DeCuir ♡

Monday, May 16, 2011

7# ☼ Sexy Vegas Blue ☼

It's a brand new week! Monday's are sometimes hard because it's difficult to say goodbye to the weekend. Also it was a rainy day here in Holland. But..what a better way to start the week feeling secure and sexy. Looking at the positive and knowing that soon another weekend will come back. 

For this mood I present you a sexy but classy outfit of Sascha's designs. Sexy Vegas blue, available for only 99 L. Perfect to stand out at the beach or a private night what that special guy. It will surely leave heads turning ;)

You can find this sexy on the second floor of Sascha's designs.
Limo Sascha's desings

♡ SueGeeli DeCuir ♡

Sunday, May 15, 2011

6# ♔ The Novice Dress ♔

I promised to put up a pic of the Novice Dress so here it goes. This time I choosed to show the Novice in seagreen color. I love this color too and the fact that you can always choose with skirt to wear. Here im showing the sleek flexi skirt. But it also has a battleship skirt, mini sculpt skirts, a swooshy skirt AND a train. How amazing is that!

It is also available in others colors so go take a look at this wonderfull dress. Limo : SAS Novice gowns

♡ SueGeeli DeCuir ♡

Saturday, May 14, 2011

5# ☆ A little chat with Sascha ☆

I was walking around in Sascha’s Designs, when I saw Sascha standing. I couldn’t resist to ask her atleast one question. Here’s a sneak of the chat we had:

SueGeeli DeCuir:  ‘How do you come up with inspiration to make dresses?  I love your dresses by the way, they are all beautiful  :)’
Sascha Frangilli: ‘Actually I get my inspiration when I am in Photoshop and then I just go with the flow.  Sometimes I have an actual thing in my head and prays it gets out as what I want it to be. I love the Temporarily Upload from Phoenix, it gives me a perfect chance to see how it looks like.’

SueGeeli DeCuir: ‘Yeah it is. I do that with pictures too with that you see how it would look like before uploading. I’m not very good, but I guess I’ll learn to do it better practise practice.’
Sascha Frangilli: ‘Yes same with me, I have no graphic background whatsoever, all self-taught and I am sure there are still plenty of features in PS that I MUST discover.'

SueGeeli DeCuir: ‘What is the dress you made that you like the most?’
Sascha Frangilli: ‘Oh I go through Stages, but the Novice & Zephra are my favs right now’.

 The Novice is one of my favorite dresses from Sascha’s too. It’s amazing ! I’ll promise to put on some pics in The Novice dress on the blog.
I know the interview wasn’t long but it was great to chat with her, she is a very nice down the earth person!

 Limo to Sascha's Desings

SueGeeli DeCuir ♡

Sunday, May 8, 2011

4# It's on Sale! SAS Lucy Loo Aqua

SAS Lucy Loo Aqua. A simple but great look with a wonderfull color for this spring, it also comes in different ways to wear. 
  1. Mini skirt or  a babydoll skirt
  2. With or without straps 
  3. 4 different leggings 
Today is mothersday so if you still havent got a gift for your mother/sister/ friend, here's a wonderfull item for just 140 L. 



Happy Mothers day to all mothers!

♥ SueGeeli DeCuir ♥

Saturday, May 7, 2011

3# The May Gown

Did you all got the May gown already? It is in a beautifull yellow shade and comes with an amazing battleship skirt. If you'd like a more modest skirt you can also purchase a sleek or swishy skirt version for only 75 L. 

 Sascha's desing May gown Limo

❤ SueGeeli DeCuir ❤

Friday, May 6, 2011

2# 60L weekend

There are 4 items you can buy for only 60 L this weekend avalaible at Sascha's. The evil chick tops comes in three colors; choco, magenta and purple. You can match them together with pants of an evil chick outfit. It makes up a sexy and sophisticated look that will surely make some heads turn ;). 
Above you can see how wonderfull the Evil Chick in bronze looks, which I mixed with the pants of the next 60L item I'm going to show you.
It is the The zannadu bronze outfit, it comes with the bronze pants, top and straps. A cute outfit you can where for a relaxing weekend with your friends/family or even to go clubbing.
And besides these ones there is also a girly and flirty pink outfit. The Bardot Jeans.

If your in a more elegant mood instead, there is something for you too. The Sierra purple, an elegant coctail dress. Come take a look at these outfits, they are so nice and just for 60L. You can find them all at: