Jacqueline Special#1
Buy one of the colors and get one for FREE. You can get it for yourself or for a friend.
Jacqueline Special#2
Buy the previously released spring gown Fioretta and choose one Jacqueline gown for FREE.
After buying one of the colors from Jacqueline and Fioretta gown make a notecard with the following information:
Transaction history
Name of the person (not display name) you want to give the dress too
Color choice
Send this notecard to Sascha (just enter this URI in-world for her profile: secondlife:///app/agent/bb8e3ab2-a555-4f6f-a605-e2768cd840b7/about).
Here is where you can find these dresses
Jacqueline - In world , Marketplace
Fioretta - In world , Marketplace